Drought affected farmers in Queensland will be better off thanks to the kindness of Queensland Country Members. The recent Queensland Country ‘Buy a Bale’ Drought Appeal raised a total of $79,774.20. This is the equivalent of an incredible 14 trucks of hay for Queensland farmers.

Queensland Country Members were invited to donate in branch throughout Queensland or online during the Appeal. To commence the fundraising efforts, Queensland Country Bank and Queensland Country Health Fund made a combined donation of $50,000 to the Appeal. The response from Members that followed was heart-warming, with many branches receiving thousands of dollars in donations.

The Queensland Country Appeal was conducted in support of the national ‘Buy a Bale’ Appeal organised by Rural Aid Australia. Rural Aid Australia are a charity that has provided more than 160,000 bales of hay to Australian farmers since 2013. Rural Aid have now received the funds from the Queensland Country Appeal and will deliver the hay to affected farmers in coming weeks.

Many Queensland Country Health Fund Members have been directly affected by the drought or know someone who has. The Appeal was a small way to practically support those who are doing it tough.

Donations for drought affected farmers are still needed and can be made via the Rural Aid ‘Buy a Bale’ website buyabale.com.au/donate/.