Why has Care Navigation contacted me?
Based on Queensland Country Health Fund hospital claims, a Care Coordinator has identified that you might benefit from Care Navigation, due to a recent discharge from hospital or that you are living with a chronic disease.
How will Care Navigation work for me?
A Care Navigation Care Coordinator will work with you to design a tailored health management plan based on your goals and your support needs. Our aim is to support you to stay safe and well at home for as long as possible.
What is the relationship between Queensland Country Health Fund and Queensland Country Care Navigation?
Queensland Country Health Fund will share hospital claim data with Queensland Country Care Navigation to help their Care Coordinators identify Health Fund Members who might benefit from some extra support.
Queensland Country Care Navigation Pty Ltd ABN 92 610 024 916 is a related entity of Queensland Country Health Fund ABN 11 126 884 786
How much will it cost me?
Queensland Country Health Fund offers Care Navigation to Health Fund Members with Better Hospital (Silver+) at no additional cost. Third party service providers may charge a fee for services but we will let you know and obtain your agreement before we arrange any services for you.
Is participation voluntary?
Yes. Participation in Care Navigation is voluntary. Health Fund Members can opt in and out of the service at any time.
Do I have to sign a contract with Care Navigation?
No. Care Navigation is a service offered to support you to improve your health and wellbeing and remain safe and well in your home. Your participation is voluntary, now and in the future as long as you are a current Member of Queensland Country Health Fund.
If we recommend a third-party service provider, we will let you know about any fees and any contract obligations before we arrange the service for you.
How much time will it take?
Your Care Coordinator will schedule ongoing telephone appointments with you at a time that is most convenient to you. Telephone assessments generally take half an hour, however as the service is individualised this can vary. Your Care Coordinator can be flexible in the length of your appointments.
Do you keep my personal health information confidential?
Yes. All information provided to Care Navigation is kept in compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles. If a referral to another support service is recommended, your consent to share information is required. Details about your participation in Care Navigation are not shared with Queensland Country Health Fund, except for details required to make a claim as a registered provider to the service provider.
I already have a GP or see a specialist for my condition, do I need this service?
Care Navigation aims to work in partnership with your existing health professionals - not replace them. Many Members participate in multiple services or programs simultaneously. For example, GP, Specialist, physiotherapists and community rehab.
What are my rights?
Queensland Country Care Navigation will always endeavour to advise Clients about their rights and the way the service operates. Part of the process of providing this information to Clients is providing access to our Charter of Client Rights.
Download the Queensland Country Care Navigation Charter of Client Rights.
Where can I find your Privacy Policy?
It is important to Queensland Country Care Navigation to protect and keep a Client’s personal information, including their health information, securely. To achieve this we are committed to complying with the requirements of the Privacy Act (Cth 1988) the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the APRHA Board Code of Conduct for Registered Health Practitioners when we collect, hold and manage a Client’s personal information, that is, information that allows others to identify an individual.
View Our Privacy Policy.
How can I contact the Care Navigation team?
Our Care Coordinators are based in Care Navigation’s head office in Townsville, North Queensland. Find out how you can contact the team.